Monday, March 27, 2006

Friendly mornings

My alarm went off at 5:50am this morning.
Yesterday I got in bed at 5:42am, i was up by 8am for work.

I was running up Cherry Hill when i realized there are to many options. I need five week days to learn and enjoy academia, then i need a weekend to work, a weekend to rest, a weekend to get stuff done around the house, and a weekend to be with friends.

Why do human beings feel that they need to do it all? If life is finite we have a lot to fin in in just a few short years. But i've not believed in a finite life for the past 21 years and i've not even believed in a finite time on earth for the past 2 years. So if heaven is really a place on earth, why do i feel like i have to try everything in order to achieve success?

3.5 miles, big ass hill, 1 walk break, decent run.


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