Thursday, April 13, 2006

On Running with Men

My runs lately have been anything but noteworthy. Amy likes to walk. We tried an 8 mile, only made it 5 and walked most of it. I feel fat when this happens, I'm not, I just feel like it. Yesterday I called my male nurse friend, James. We ran 6.5 miles. It was hot out, I drank too much coffee before and became quite dehydrated. He runs faster than me. Of course I can't admit I'm tired, so I just run, I run until I feel cold because I'm so hot. James sent me home with two bottles of homemade wine. James says wine impresses girls, James is not overly impressive.

Amy and I ran a solid 3 at race pace today. I feel good. I'm biking everywhere now, GRCC, Bowling on the West side, The Euclid. I went swing dancing last night, I've never felt more like a princess while I exercised. Twirling is good for the soul.

And still the question remains, why do I devote large amounts of my time to these things. Why not paint or read or do more math, or study philosophy?
The answer of the day is love. I love these things. This morning while running I appreciated my hulk of a woman's frame for the first time. I was built for these things. My rib cage can inhale yours, my arms don't fit in your shirt sleeves and my shoulders span casts a shadow over my emo boyfriends of the past. The veins in my arms have always popped out and my massive nostrils were made for "laminar flow." The legs my mother always called "athletic" are twice the size of my brothers' legs. And just why did God do this to my body, why would he curse me with a linebackers outline? Because he also gave me a love for the things that come with this body. This body meshed with this passion to use it and an uncontrollable competitive nature were hand crafted and woven together specifically for me. And as I ran this morning it became clear to me fot the first time ever that God did not f- up in designing me. God made me to run, to bike, to dance without tiring, to play football, soccer, basketball, to swim, to hike, to enjoy pushups and weight lifting. God did not make me good at these things and for that I do not fault him, he simple placed a love for them so deep inside me that even when I've tried to pin down the athlete in order to let the musician or the artist out she fires out of me, she cannot be contained. This is in part why I love life, because life has so much to offer and I am equipped to take life by the horns. And so today I thank God for this hulk of a woman's body he placed me in, and I thank God for the love of life he placed in this woman's body.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your body. i love that you love running, and i'm so excited for the chance i might have to do it with you (and to overcome this shoddy lungs i've given myself).


3:12 PM GMT-5  

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